32 Siren Script
AKA SirenSetting Limit Adjuster
Last updated
AKA SirenSetting Limit Adjuster
Last updated
Download the ASI
Head over to your FiveM application data which can be found here: C:\Users\[Your_user]\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\plugins
Grab the "SirenSetting_Limit_Adjuster.asi" file and drop it into the plugins folder
Be sure that the server build of the server is no newer then 2699
For additional lights on vehicles, you can use siren21
through siren32
and add extra entries to the siren settings in the carcols.meta
file. Please note that there is still a limit of 128 total bones on a single vehicle.
To increase the ID limit, use a number greater than "255" as the ID for siren settings. Avoid using the values 0, 255, and 65535, as they are reserved. No additional configuration is required.
SSLA v2 is compatible with FiveM. Each user must copy the ASI into the plugins folder in their FiveM Application Data. No changes are required to the server config.
The ASI generates a SirenSettings.log
file in your game directory. This log file records:
Every loaded SirenSetting, including its name, ID, and internal index.
Every loaded vehicle, including its name, siren ID, and the index it was matched to.
Any conflicts where two SirenSetting entries have the same ID.
Note: SSLA does not require RAGEPluginHook (RPH) to function, but it is compatible with the latest version of RPH. If you previously had RAGEPluginHook and SSLA v1, you can remove the compatibility DLL from your Plugins folder, as RPH now communicates directly with SSLA. RPH plugins related to emergency lighting may need updates to support lights 21 through 32.